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Let’s Talk About It: Virtual Book Club June 22nd

If you're looking to keep the inspiring "Sheri Salata mojo" rolling, please join us in reading her book and discussing the Companion Workbook with Lotus Network!

Thursday, June 22nd, 2023 

7 PM MT | Virtual

Please join Kathy Boyle and Kathy Basel for a virtual book club based on Sheri Salata’s book and companion workbook. We will follow her steps to help you create your own beautiful path of evolution. Let’s discover where you’re at now in your life and where you might want to go next.

 About Sheri Salata

Sheri had landed her dream job on the Oprah Winfrey Show and thrived in her role as ‘the person behind the person’. But when the level of service sustaining her professional success suddenly flipped the switch, it illuminated her sacrifice of self-care. So Sheri was forced to get real, go deeper, and ground into her courage.

As she was writing her book, The Beautiful No, Sheri found the ingredients to navigate her next steps. Let’s go though the steps together with intention, desires and hope to create the life you’ve always envisioned.