A 501c3 Charitable Organization

Timely Topics – Archives

It’s Never Too Late to Be a Game Changer!

Wednesday, August 21st, 2024 | 12 PM MT | Cynthia is an International transformational and emotional integration leadership coach. She is an inspirational leader, guiding people to make changes at a deep level for lasting healing.

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It’s Never Too Late to Unlock Your Relationship with Food and Learn a Whole New Perspective on Eating

Wednesday, November 15th, 2023 | 12 PM MT | Regina began her career as a Registered Dietitian because her two children had severe food allergies and community members continuously reached out to ask questions about their own children’s problems to various foods. It was for this reason she decided to get formally educated in nutrition studies and become an expert resource in her field. Join us to learn a whole new perspective on eating!

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It’s Never Too Late to Form a Cultural Assault on Antisemitism and Racism

Wednesday, December 6th, 2023 | 12 PM MT | A Call to Action to Recognize Shared Legacies and Speak Up Against Hate and Dehumanization. Join Lotus Network for this unique opportunity to learn from Congresswomen Brenda Lawrence, Dr. Shari Rogers, and Mali Wilson, leaders of the Spill the Honey nonprofit. Watch the director’s cut of their documentary, Shared Legacies, highlighting the historic alliances between the African American and Jewish communities.

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It’s Never Too Late to Speak Up and Find Your Voice

Tuesday, February 13th, 2024 | 12 PM MT | Join award-winning author, teacher, editor, and ex-girlfriend Elissa Bassist for a thought-provoking, consciousness-raising, and galvanizing talk for anyone trying to say something, whatever it is, instead of so much nothing.

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It’s Never Too Late to Know that in Time You Will Understand

Wednesday, October 18th, 2023 | 12 PM MT | Thelma Craig is committed and dedicated to supporting and assisting clients with the challenges they encounter and supporting them with opportunities for expansion and transformation creatively. Join us to learn how we can appreciate the affirmative relational impact we can attain together.

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It’s Never Too Late to Dream Big!

Sunday, April 23rd, 2023 | 11 AM MT | Sheri Salata entertains, inspires, and challenges us to take a deeper look into our own human experience. Her narrative evokes humor and empathy, offering a memorable space to uncover and honor our own unique gifts. She will make you laugh, cry, and feel inspired!

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It’s Never Too Late to Learn How to Say No

Wednesday, March 29th, 2023 | 12 PM MT | Freelance writer and professor Sally Stich has spent her life learning how to say no. Now she’s sharing with Lotus Network the variety of ways to say no in a cool, calm, kind way—and how that can change your life.

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It’s Never Too Late to Cultivate Connections

Tuesday, March 7th, 2023 | 12 PM MT | Formerly shy, tongue-tied engineer Debra Fine is now a nationally recognized conversation and networking skills expert, and motivational speaker. In this free virtual talk, Debra will teach us how to turn every conversation into an opportunity for success.

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It’s Never Too Late To Expand Your Vision

Wednesday, January 11th, 2023 | 12 PM MT | Dr. Lynn Hellerstein is an expert on all things vision. In this free talk open to all, Dr. Hellerstein teaches us how to expand our creativity with strategies for removing blocks that most people encounter. Break free of the anxiety that stops many athletes, musicians, entertainers, students, and even you from achieving peak performance.

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It’s Never Too Late To Lead a Life Well Lived

Thursday, December 8th, 12 PM MT | Award-winning photographer and director Sky Bergman is sharing an exclusive opportunity to view and discuss her transcendent documentary. Lives Well Lived celebrates the incredible wit and wisdom of people aged 75–100, who reveal their secrets for living a meaningful life.

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It’s Never Too Late To Own Your Financial Future

Tuesday, November 1st, 12 PM MT | Financial expert and women’s rights advocate Steph Wagner teaches you how to improve your relationship with money and make more informed decisions to help you move closer to your financial goals in this free webinar open to all.

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It’s Never Too Late To Embrace the Possible

94-year-old best-selling author and Holocaust survivor Dr. Eger will discuss how one incident can change our thought process for the rest of our lives, how broken relationships can be mended, and why one’s determination to hold onto hope is of the utmost importance.

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It’s Never Too Late To Press Pause

Learn How to Declutter Your Mind | Jane Baldwin shares The Unwinding Compass, her tool for managing your energy levels, counteracting stress, establishing a robust connection between mind and body, and improving the quality of your relationships with yourself, your family, and your network.

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It’s Never Too Late To Be a Force for Change

State Representative Leslie Herod was elected in 2016 as the first openly LGBTQ African American in the Colorado General Assembly. Since then, she has passed over 100 bills, addressing criminal justice reform, mental health, addiction, youth homelessness, and civil rights protections. Listen to her inspiring story and learn how to become a force for change in your own life.

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It’s Never Too Late To Go Green

How Small Changes Can Have a Big Impact | As Co-Founder and CEO of Green Builder Media, the nation’s leading media company focused on sustainable living, Sara Gutterman has established a reputation as a visionary thought leader and passionate advocate for sustainability. In this talk, she teaches us to live a more holistically green life.

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It’s Never Too Late To Believe There is Light at the End of Every Tunnel

Soles of a Survivor: Nhi Aronheim knows what it takes to survive and thrive. As a child refugee escaping from war-torn Vietnam, she came face to face with her own humanity. In this talk, she shares amazing life lessons, and how she has come to know that all things are possible with intense desire, focused energy and the audacity to grasp presented opportunities.

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It’s Never Too Late To Fear Less and Love More

Live with Intention! We may not have control over the challenges we face, but we do have control over how we respond. Dr. Kathryn Haber, clinical psychologist, teaches us to choose optimism and resilience and replace unhealthy, egocentric behaviors with love, compassion and an ecocentric mindset.

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It’s Never Too Late To Heal Together

Come together and heal from the wounds the pandemic has inflicted on us. In this meaningful talk, Dr. Margit Henderson demonstrates the three steps to Emotional Wound Care that help us transition to a place of peace and empowerment.

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It’s Never Too Late to Live a Stress-Free Life

Cultivate a stress-free life! Cynthia Lackner, MA, recognizes that the root cause of most people’s problems is stress. In her Emotional Brain Training, Cynthia helps stressed people learn how to become emotionally resilient, eliminate burnout, and ultimately find true meaning and purpose through rewiring their emotional brain.

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It’s Never Too Late to Trust Your Intuition

Kara Valentine’s story is one you don’t hear everyday. Women across the globe at all demographic and social levels face challenges to their maternal intuition. Kara shares her personal journey filled with challenges of her own that lead her to question who she was and who she will be.

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It’s Never Too Late to Spring into Action

Dr. Audrey Boxwell, one of Denver’s leading psychotherapists, takes you on a journey back to the small, quiet voice of your soul. Get in touch with the you who is free, happy, and healthy. As you reclaim your strength and your purpose, experience the joy and optimism you know you’re capable of feeling.

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It’s Never Too Late to Include Everyone

Technology can be a powerfully inclusive tool to connect us in ways we couldn’t have imagined even five years ago. Sara Speer Selber and Cristen Reat believe that the pandemic has heightened our awareness of how harmful isolation and exclusion can be. We now have a unique opportunity to use technology to connect and support each other in new ways.

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It’s Never Too Late to Make An Impact

When we prioritize our values and let them drive our decisions on giving time and charitable dollars, we can change our world–and ourselves in the process. Hear from our extraordinary panelists, who will make you think about your values, passions, and aligned action steps to advance your goals and realize your vision.

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It’s Never Too Late to Be Resilient

Months into a global pandemic, life is altogether different. How do we continue to move forward amidst this new experience? Nancy Sharp, author and keynote speaker, tells us it takes courage, resolve, and resilience. Join this talk to learn how to express resilience while balancing our lives.

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It’s Never Too Late to Be Grateful

Gratitude can change your moment, experience, job, love, friendships, and your life! That doesn’t mean it’s easy or happens overnight. As Sharon Saraga-Walters demonstrates in this talk, gratitude as a practice we commit to daily can change our thinking and our lives.

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It’s Never Too Late to Be Happy

In this empowering talk, CEO and author Nataly Kogan shares how happiness is more than a state of being or feeling. When we view it as a skill we can practice and improve, we learn to see the world in a different way to cultivate the seeds of happiness.

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It’s Never Too Late to Cultivate Connections

Debra Fine is a master of conversation. In this talk, learn how every interaction can become a meaningful connection, and how to approach every conversation with active listening skills, and how to engage in social interactions with confidence.

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It’s Never Too Late to Find Light in the Darkness

Melanie Gruenwald knows from personal experience that finding light in the darkness means approaching life with an understanding of balance. It’s a recognition that we will experience both good and bad, and an appreciation that we have the ability to both see the light and live through the darkness.

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