A 501c3 Charitable Organization

It’s Never Too Late To Heal Together

It’s Never Too Late to Heal Together

What we’ve all been through and what some of us are still going through in the wake of the global pandemic has been, well, unimaginable. Only through the support of family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers have many of us survived. We may carry various scars from this experience, and now, we need to examine these scars and begin to heal.

In this meaningful talk, you will learn about the three steps to Emotional Wound Care  that help us transition to a place of peace and empowerment.

Dr. Margit Henderson

Margit Henderson, Ph.D. of Resiliency Resources ®, is a clinical psychologist, professional speaker and award-winning author. She has written two books, Optimistic Aging: From Midlife to the Good Life and her new book, From Hope to Habit: Science-Based Solutions to Live Your Best Intentions. Dr. Henderson teaches the online Habits Deep Dive course, developing personalized solutions to participants’ specific habits challenges.


Topic Sub-title Author Content
Wound Care
Three critical steps to help with emotional wound care!
Margit Cox Henderson, Ph.D.
Emotional Exhaustion
It's time to unlock the stress cycle!
Brene Brown Interview with Emily and Amelia Nagoski
The Pandemic of Love
Grassroots community care at work!
Arianna Huffington

Timely Topics Committee and Contributors: Terry Rubin, Cathy Fleishmann and Jane Gwin.