A 501c3 Charitable Organization

It’s Never Too Late To Believe There is Light at the End of Every Tunnel

Soles of a Survivor

  • Learn what it takes to survive and thrive, and how all things are possible with intense desire, focused energy and the audacity to grasp presented opportunities.
  • Gain understanding about the refugee crisis prevalent in our world today, and how one refugee turned poverty to prosperity.
  • Lessons about humanity, diversity and unconditional love. 

Nhi Aronheim

Nhi’s memoir describes the journey of a child refugee who escaped war-torn Vietnam—much like the hardships now faced by Afghan refugees and migrants at our Southern U.S. border. Her book isn’t just another inspirational survival story, however; it’s about the lessons she’s learned about humanity, unconditional love, diversity, and inclusion since arriving in the United States. After she was adopted by a Christian family, she married her Jewish beau and now has a deeper appreciation for the differences and parallels between different cultures and faiths.

Learn More about Nhi and her book:

Title Sub-Title Author Content
The Jewish Book Council
Nhi Aronheim
Building Your Resilience
A roadmap for adapting to life-changing situations
American Psychological Association
Vietnamese Boat People
Wikipedia Info
Nhi Aronheim Website
Nhi’s website with information on her story and book!
Nhi Aronheim
Timely Topics Committee and Contributors: Terry Rubin, Janis Pluss, and Jane Gwin