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It’s Never Too Late to Find Meaning in Retirement

Retirement: The Promise and Reality

In this inspiring conversation, Shelley will teach us about: 

  • Old versus New in Retirement
  • What am I replacing the world of work with that will bring me joy, challenges, fun and sustenance for the next 20-30 years.
  • The importance of purpose and gratitude in our journey going forward.

Thursday, March 6th, 2025


Shelley Lazear

Shelley has spent the last 40+ years helping individuals and couples address transitions and create more satisfying and authentic relationships with themselves and others. She has worked with organizations as a consultant helping them enhance their cultures and counseling employees experiencing difficulties in their personal lives before it impacts their work lives.

Shelley has decided for her next chapter of her life to also use her talents in helping people to deal with the challenges that result from retirement or rewirement as she refers to this 3rd half of life. Most individuals have addressed their financial needs in their post-career life but have not considered the non-financial- lifestyle, leisure, creating new relationships, health and finding new purpose. With a holistic approach to your post-career life it can be a time of vibrance, exploration, fulfilling dreams and finding new purpose. While not inspiring others to create their next chapters she enjoys traveling, studying, entertaining, Board activities at her synagogue, spending time with family, friends, and her favorite dog, Pixel.

Learn More about Shelley Lazear

Title Description Author Content
How to Find Purpose in Retirement
This blog post will explore the actionable steps you can take during this time to help uncover your passions, find meaning, and lead a purpose-driven day-to-day life in retirement.
Greater Good Health
Finding Your Purpose In Retirement
While retirement is an exciting transitional time in your life, it’s not without challenges. The transition from working to not working can often lead to feelings of being lost or lonely as you adjust to new routines and you may be feeling that you no longer have a purpose without your former career goals.
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Rethink Retirement – well-being beyond your bank account
In this TED talk, Clare uncovers how we might reframe and redesign this important life stage and our outdated definitions. She will help you think about another type of Retirement ROI – beyond your bank account – one that could prove essential to your long-term happiness and well-being as we rethink how to best optimize our retirement years.
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How to squeeze all the juice out of retirement
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Timely Topics Committee and Contributors: Terry Rubin, Janis Pluss, and Jane Gwin