A 501c3 Charitable Organization

Let’s Talk About It: August Timely Topic Follow-Up

Tuesday, August 9th, 2022 | 12 PM MT | Virtual

On August 3rd, Alex Lewis taught us to demand everything we want from life. How can we best elevate ourselves and push for opportunities? We invite you to discuss your thoughts and ideas from Alex’s August Timely Topic on becoming your own advocate. Timely Topic attendance is not required for participation. 

Have you signed up for Alex Lewis’s virtual Timely Topic talk, It’s Never Too Late to Be Your Own Advocate?
Click here to learn more and register now!.

What You Think Matters

It’s your time to actively engage!

Let’s Talk About It is your opportunity to connect virtually with other women in a small discussion group setting. Women from across the country can gather together twice a month and discuss topics that build a bridge of inspiration, personal insight, and meaningful connection. So join in on the fun, meet new friends, and find your voice.